Instruction: Plagiarism Examples for Basic Level

Click on the videos below to watch each example.

Example 1. Plagiarism because the writer summarizes words written by other authors.


Example 2. Plagiarism because the writer copies words from a book written by other authors.

Please note: If you were paying careful attention, you may have noticed that the first sentence should have also been highlighted, since it has also been taken from the book but with words omitted. This was an inadvertent oversight in the video. Oops! Obviously, the first sentence also came from Greenspan and Shanker's book, although some of the words were left out. We treat this issue in later tutorials. We had corrected it in the whole paper on p. 3, but we did not know about the problem in this video until it was kindly pointed out to us by some astute viewers (after 6 years online).

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